Do you feel intimidated or harassed by a member of your staff?

Are there people on your team who are openly hostile to or about you?

Are you getting dragged into a power play by a subordinate colleague?


Upward bullying is an intense and aggressive manipulation of informal power in the workplace. It can halt any organisation in its tracks, disempowering leaders and disabling positive outcomes for all stakeholders. Upward bullies are naturally confident, self-obsessed and have an inflated sense of self-entitlement. They thrive on conflict, are hungry for power and have no qualms about who they take on.

Upward Bullying in the Teaching Profession explains why and how staff members target their supervisors and offers practical solutions to stop them from bullying the boss. Written with a focus on the education sector, the lessons to be gained from this book are readily transferable to any workplace where workers bully the boss.


This book is full of useful strategies for those facing upward bullying and is one to have on the shelf ready to consult when or if required. However, its greatest strength comes from its clear discussion of the impact and the suggested strategies, and I would highly recommend it to anyone stepping into any management role. Andrew T
Andrew Turvey
(M.Ed.) Deputy President NSW Secondary Principals Council 2015–2021
Sandra Rosner calls out toxic and Machiavellian bullies in schools. Safe schools start with safe leaders.
Bill Campbell
Professional Officer, NSW Secondary Principals’ Council Inc. Past Principal Peel High School, Tamworth, NSW, Australia
Finally, a well-researched book presenting a range of details that address a major issue faced increasingly by executives, and especially principals, in all education systems. Reading this text acknowledges in a clear and conversational manner the many ways bullying unfolds and allows personal reflection and a clear path to discussing the matter in the open
Toni Skewes
Principal Ashford Central (K–12) School, NSW, Australia
As an educational leader myself, Sandra’s insight into upward bullying resonated with my own experiences in schools over 35 years. Her case studies are realistic, and her advice is wise and measured. I would recommend this book to any leader, regardless of their career stage. Upward bullying is unacceptable in schools, and leaders must be empowered to address it in a constructive manner. Sandra tells us how this can be done.
Sue Brown
Director, Educational Leadership, Mid Coast Valleys, NSW, Australia
Sandra Rosner offers practical advice to help manage the manageable—the rest are probably sociopaths!
Judy Campbell
Head Teacher, Teaching and Learning, Barraba Central (K–12) School
In this thoughtful and practical guide, Sandra reveals the behaviours bullying staff are exhibiting toward their bosses. Upward bullying is a growing trend, and Sandra’s experiences and advice are welcome and timely in a post-COVID world where so many colleagues are not well and taking it out on those above. You’ll be glad you read this and learned from her examples.
Professor John Fischetti
Pro Vice-Chancellor The University of Newcastle, AustraliaPast President, New South Wales Council of Deans of Education
Sandra Rosner is a very experienced educator and school leader. Sandra has drawn on her own experience and her extensive research to write an engaging and instructive handbook for school leaders. The use of case studies and practical hints and tips is of particular value.
Michael McNamara
Executive Officer NSW Secondary Deputy Principals Association. Past Deputy Principal Murwillumbah High School, NSW, Australia.
This is a ‘must read’ book for anyone considering working in an executive position in school systems worldwide. Included are a number of approaches to overcoming situations in leadership where the leader is being undermined. The clever use of hypothetical situations allows the reader to relate to the trauma that is associated with bullying. Sandra Rosner has used her extensive experience in educational leadership to identify potential problems and provide effective solutions to help school executives deal with bullying in the workplace in a proactive way. This book should be helpful to all educators as it provides insight into human behaviour in the workplace and strategies for creating a highly effective leadership team in challenging environments.
Dr James White
PSM,Regional Director of Education in NSW (Ret.)Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leader